Modern dentistry does much more than improve the appearance of a smile. Advances in the science of complete dentistry have taught us how to bring the jaw into a relaxed position to help alleviate years of pain and discomfort. Neuromuscular dentistry uses the relaxed position of the muscles of the head and neck to place the jaw into an optimal physiologic
NTIThe FDA has approved technology that works for relief of migraine relief. The Nociceptive Trigerminal Inhibition Tension Suppression System (NTI) an acrylic mini splint that fits over the teeth, reducing the intensity of jaw-clenching during sleep and the headache pain that goes with it.
The use of the NTI produces welcome results in patients who have tried everything else to reduce the frequency and intensity of grinding and clenching during sleep. It is worn at nighttime when people sleep when most clenching occurs during the early morning hours of 4 and 9 am. The device protects teeth, muscles and joints by suppressing muscle contraction by almost 70%.
The NTI is recommended to patients who show wear from bruxing and clenching and who indicate muscle pain associated with muscle dysfunction. It is a simple device and can be fitted in one dental visit. The NTI is not bulky and patients find it comfortable to wear without triggering a gag reflex.
Grinding and clenching called Brusxism is a disorder that affects many people. Left untreated it can seriously destroy your teeth. You may not realize you have Bruxism, but are noticing damage to your teeth. Bite guards are recommended to treat Bruxism, when the teeth are touching too hard.
The signs, symptoms and consequences of teeth touching unevenly can be anyone of the following:
- teeth become loose
- teeth chip, flat and worn away
- teeth become sensitive
- teeth move out of position
- gums become sensitive
- gums recede
- jaw joints become damaged
- muscles become tender
- headaches and migraines are constant
OCCLUSAL ANALYSIS (BITE ADJUSTMENT)When teeth are out of position, many times it requires a bite adjustment to make sure teeth are aligned and the points and grooves of the teeth are touching perfectly. For correct bite adjustment procedures we diagnosis that a problem exists.
With the use of articulating tape we can mark the teeth while teeth are closed and made to move in different directions, this indicates to us where teeth best tolerate forces placed on them. Adequate adjustments are made by reshaping then polishing the teeth. The actual reshaping is done with a diamond tip and handpiece, making sure the chewing and biting surfaces have the necessary point/groove pattern.
It is important to note that once the bite is adjusted properly, your teeth may again in the future require some bite adjustment. The reason for this is that over time teeth can move slightly, causing the teeth positions to change. Bite adjustments are re-evaluated at future visits and monitored for signs and symptoms needing further adjustments.